Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Configuration of Qt4 in Code::Blocks

Qt sets the standard for high-performance, cross-platform application development. It includes a C++ class library and tools for cross-platform development and internationalization. Qt is also available to Java programmers through Qt Jambi.

This article is NOT a tutorial for programing Qt4 application. It's only made as a note for setting Qt4 in Code::Blocks. Just following the steps below you can easily configure the setting. After all, you could enjoy coding your GUI programs and have fun.

  1. You must have installed Code::Blocks on your OS and make sure that Code::Blocks has been upgrade by the latest Nightly Build.
  2. Then Go to Qt4 download page and get the Qt/Windows Open Source Edition.
  3. After completing Qt4 installation, let's start Code::Blocks then open "Global Variable Editor" and press "New" to create a variable named "qt4" and set "base","include", "lib" path according to the Qt4 installation path. The figure below shows the Qt4 default installation path.

  4. Now you can develop your own Qt4 application. Click on File>>New>>Project.. and select "QT4 project" to start the QT4 project wizard as shown below.

  5. When finishing the Qt4 wizard, there are some simple codes in the project main cpp file. You could build and run directly without doing anything. It is a program only contains a Quit button as figure showed below.

1 comment:

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